Sado slaves features horrible acts of perversion wherein the master humiliates his sex slaves as they scream in pain. This is definitely for the brave heart. The master is an old and balding cigarette smoker who enjoys abusing sexy sluts. He employs such tactics as whipping and putting them in cages before they are indulged in forced sex. Don’t get shocked because this is just a sample on how this bloke punishes his slaves.
As part of the Sweet Network, this site offers you 100% raw and exclusive bondage and sadomasochism videos. Hot wax, needles, clamps, electro torture wands, pussy weights and more brutal action are surely some of the things you’ll miss if you don’t visit the site.

The site is well-organized. At the member’s home page you will find a bar at the top where in you can get access to all the member sites which I will mention later. Below it is a portion about the latest news and announcement in the site. This is followed by sample picture of the recently added Sado Slave and below is a section of the week’s hottest features like Inter-climax Private Archive, High Barr Adult Magazine and Watersports Gallery. On the left side of the page you will be guided with the main content via a SadoSlaves menu and this includes the latest update, photos and videos, video image galleries and still image galleries. There is also a section called sweet extras which includes Club Sweet, bonus videos, bonus pictures, free live chat, games and e-zines, full-screen movies, sweet galleries, image galleries and sweet store. Just click on the thumbnails to get access to the subject. Navigation is definitely superb and loading is speed as lightning.
The picture section consists of almost 80 sado slaves with a gallery each. The models are organized with the newest ones at the top so that you can see all the updates that you miss while you were gone. The pictures consists of digital images and video screen captures ranging from 90-130 each. The images consist mostly of high-quality pictures focusing on the torture and brutality. You can enlarge the pictures but not in full screen as it may distort the pixilation.

The video section consists of more than 80 videos which can be streamed and downloaded. You have an option to download it by clips or as full length video. The videos can be viewed with Quicktime or Windows Media Player. The sound is very clear and you might be carried away by the scream of some slaves being poured by hot wax in their tits. Wait, there is also some episodes wherein the female slut cries out in pain. You may be forced to lower down the volume.