Getting the Most Out of Your Efforts at Trying to Fuck Local Milfs
If you’ve been trying to fuck local milfs on and are having a tough time, let me clue you in. The reason why you’re having a tough time has nothing to do with your external circumstances. It has nothing to do with other people that you can’t control. It has nothing to do with situations you find yourself in. In fact, the answer has nothing to do with anything outside of you. It’s all internal.

You see, you are the only person that can hold yourself back from the ultimate victories you are capable of achieving. Don’t let any other person tell you otherwise. Seriously. It’s your fears or fucked up definitions of your limits that hold you back.
This is really one of the most fundamental lessons any guy or person for that matter, needs to learn. You have to remember that there’s really no fundamental difference between you and the richest man on this planet. I am of course talking about Bill Gates of Microsoft Corporation. That man is worth over $80 billion.
I know that you’re probably shaking your head, but this is the absolute truth. There’s no fundamental difference between Bill Gates and you. Now you might be saying, “Well, that dude has so much money and I’m fucking broke. Don’t tell me that there is no difference.”
Well, what I’m talking about is that there is no difference in terms of your hardware. You both have two arms, two legs, you shit, piss, fuck and sleep. The same thing, in terms of biology. The big difference is the software that you chose to install.
You chose to install software that struggles. You chose to install software that looks at the world in a very limited way. Bill Gates, on the other hand, installed software that enabled him to view opportunities and take advantage of those opportunities. Such a small change in software choice delivers dramatic differences when it comes to implementation. Do you see where I’m coming from?
So if you are serious about getting the most out of your efforts at trying to fuck local milfs, change your software. Start believing that it’s possible. And, most importantly, start acting like it’s possible and you’d be surprised as to the results that you would be able to produce.